hope that it has been super this past February 14, I show them what I gave to Sam that day.
I love Pucca and Garu. I have always amigurumis field has been a very little explored, as I feel it's dangerous, so I had been somewhat reluctant about it .....
I see I have reason, as though my little girl loved her gift, for soon to ask me anything to other friends of Pucca. I told him with Leo right now I have less time and therefore that they are going to do with calmita, then I thought of something better: I said I was going to teach them, hopefully with these monkeys will among some taste for crochet. You know weaving loom and needle, I think she liked the hands, to see what happens with the hook.
I show the pictures, the truth if I liked how they were and not to have a pattern, because I think I like it the adorable couple.
Just this Sunday celebrate my birthday .... how much time passes and many blessings I have received in a year. I had my surprise obviously many very good and some not so lately, but I can say with certainty that the best hope over this year where I have 32 years.