I have many things to tell .... even though I have little time. From the outset let me tell you I could deliver the amount of 7 caps for the Distaff, were 5 and 2 more than my sister encouraged me to knit and donate. Leo would not let me do more, I think that even with limited time was a good deal.
Let me also tell you that thanks to many of your comments, always valuable and very useful at times (thanks Zulema), I decided to actively use a scarf. I was really
neophyte in that case, fortunately on the web there are many blogs and forums that have videos and show the uses of scarf, also recommendations on what fabrics to use and more. I chose cotton, not too hot.
really did mine with a cloth 5 meters long and 70 cm wide. A Leo will love it and every time I see it as, is thrilled. I've also decided what diapers to use for Leo, I hope to come home soon. This was the jetty to which we accommodate more Leo and me.
really the choice of cloth diapers I was delighted, although it is not very economical as well as investment, it might eventually agrees and the savings can be up close 20 thousand pesos. Pretty cool no? Among other advantages, like my baby's skin breathe better. This issue of cloth diapers is a world apart. I learned brands fibers, absorbency, comfort, etc. Who wants to know a bit more about it, I recommend the attachment parenting forum, the theme is found HERE.
I say goodbye, have nice Easter holiday!
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