Saturday, February 13, 2010

Candyland -free Online



Now if I've been so disconnected, I think the only little time that I do every day is to check Ravelry.

Well although I have not had time to knit, I have not stopped to soak in what's new in question knitting in the area, such as magazines, wool, needles and so forth. I bought the new Debbie Bliss magazine and I must say I am in love with 3 outfits.

I must also tell you that as my annual custom, I decided autoregalarme birthday something related to the tissue. This year did not ask for books, for those who came last year, I knitted a few models, though I liked several. This time I set my set of double pointed needles of wood Symfonie 8 inches or 20 cm. Recently brought Crochet stores. Why the rush to buy them? Because there are only 2 or 3 sets per store and besides, since I bought the set of interchangeable circular needles, I fell in love with the sharp tips, wood, color, how well polished they are ..... To say that use more than my set of Addi and is saying something.

of my kids and I tell you that Leo is sleeping better. Definitely support co-sleeping because I have slept better. I also read the book Besame Mucho and I'm more comfortable with this decision. I know that in times of heat Leo want their space. The drink goes best with weight, even with exclusive breastfeeding. Weighs only 6 kg and is 57 cm, is a Bebot. Samy happy with the brother, then treats it as his Nenuco.

thanking his friendship I say goodbye and wishing them a happy 14 February. Besos!


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