Friday, December 11, 2009

My Puppy Hold Her Urine

For Leonardo

Hi everyone!

Leo was born and the day on December 7 at 8:47 pm. Everything went well, I show a message that he wrote before his arrival. When I more time, told them about the experience.

My child:

Today is a very special day, we've got all happy and excited to see you. Finally after many years of imagining, we're proud to meet you. Your dad, Samantha and I ask you for a long time, we thought would never come into our lives and just when we gave up the idea and left hanging on the rack's efforts in them. Although your father is declared atheist, I just think that this miracle had divine inspiration. Thank you Lord!

Road definitely has been neither short nor much less easy. Want to tell you all that effort that we as parents and family to stay with us, represents a tiny all we're willing to do for you, by Samy, for us.

I must confess that I was incredulous when the pregnancy test was positive, do not be imagined. Only until I saw your silhouette in an ultrasound so I began to see. I was going to be blessed to have you in my body 9 months to be your mom!

Like I said, the road was not easy and many obstacles are brought, not only for concebirte, but in your pregnancy. Sleep, study, care, diet. With you I set a goal to bring into this world naturally, something that never happened with your sister. In fact with her I felt I stole a special moment. With you I was not ready to happen again. It makes me so happy to know that your family will be waiting!

So against all odds fought and convinced others to reach the world through childbirth. Not only delivery but one respect they showed all the love with which you desire. We love that surrounds your life from the moment you're on this planet and always with you. Disadvantages by doctors not required to prevent delivery: cesarean section, risk of preeclampsia, nuchal cord, gestational diabetes. There were also well-intentioned comments from friends and family to accept medical recommendations. More than once I thought I would not do this or that was definitely going against the current.

Luckily, there was always someone who supported me: friends, my sister, my mom, dad and Sam. For my part I affirm that not only they, but there are many people supporting you and supporting me in that special moment our lives. Also say that I will not give up trying, so I ask only that you have the same courage and determination than we have had, your family, to come into this world and live your life with happiness.

you know very soon, of course we love you!


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