Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Usb 2.0 Grabber Software

counting the days


As I said, my time and inclination to blog and have been limited. I find it easy and convenient microblogging, osease, Twitter. For those who use it, The truth is that the days have continued going. As always, some good, some not. Nor have I visited my blogger friends, the strange and desire to be back soon. This little time that I I have taken is to be well and come back with more than 100%. I wish I read them and be in touch soon.

On good days, I still see my children grow. Leo now has a whole month scrambling browser goes through the house. And stops, points and says Mom. Samantha is successful, big and happy as ever. Now inscribe in many extracurricular activities and I have some busy too. On good days, I have some time to knit. For inspiration does not stop, though availability is almost impossible to me. I miss my needles. With my husband

things are better. We have tried our best and look ahead. He has continued to support the parenting and I am satisfied enough. I must confess that the only thing that worries me is that he's turning things. For my part I'm firm in my decisions.

diet I follow, trying to lose a few grams to overcome the traces of Diabetes, but I must say that this ghost is still present in my everyday life. I do not do daily checks, the truth is that my sugar levels are not right. I feel I have much still to that concern and worry, I escaped, tests for glucose tolerance. I know it's wrong, but would like to receive notice when you feel that, finally, the waters have calmed a bit. That does not mean that I do not care, I still homeopathic treatment in this regard.

I leave a big hug, thanking always time to read me and support me.


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